Welcome :)

This is Project F.R.E.S.H. Project F.R.E.S.H. stands for (Families remaining equal and staying healthy.) Our goal is to bring fresh foods into poverty based countries. We are using this blog as a tool (not a weapon) to get our name known. We will post healthy ideas or tibits. Anything refreshing. We will continue to grow and we would love for you to blossom with us.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

T-Shirts (Create A Tee)

We have been thinking about ways to get our viewers involved in our program. So, we decided that t-shirts is a great idea. Either 'Create A Tee' and email it to us. OR. Give us ideas or resourceful connections to get the shirts made. Once the shirts are made, they will be sold. The money will go towards our local food pantry. We are very excited.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Please continue to vote for us. If you havent you should. Its the right thing to do.


Monday, August 1, 2011


Please VOTE for Project: F.R.E.S.H. in our journey to achieve our 1st grant... With Pepsi's Refresh Project. I know that our "Fresh" fans will vote for us. To secure us the 25K grant. Its great grant and opportunity.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Twitting Twitter!

Yes... You read right. I said that changes will be made. We have already created our FB page. I think its time for a twitter page. Its faster and I think even more fun. It will be officially started by Friday morning. We are taking over the media mainstream (almost). But, when we will we can say that we have done all thats possible that is positive to be noticed as a organization.


Our First Group Goal

Our first project: is providing fresh water to the less fortunate. As I was riding my bike to the library I began to feel light headed and almost collapsed off of my bike. When I got back home I rushed get drink as much water as I possibly could. There are people out there who are dehydrated and in need of water. We will begin emailing companies for sponsorship or donations. If you know any connections dont be afraid to post the comment below or submit your email at the bottom of the page.


Posting Posts

I realized that most posts is about posting news or a current event or progress. So, I only find it necessary to post when I have either one of the choices above. Unless, I receive a question or request to post of an idea or an opinion I have on a topic. I made a goal to post daily, but some progress doesnt happen overnight. But, dont get me wrong I will be as often as I can just to say "Hi" and to make changes to the blog.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Facebook Fans!

On FB, a common goal is to have the most friends. Well, P.F. (us). We are not a person. We are a group. The group we created on FB is now up and running. We as a group have a goal of having 200 fans/likes by the end of July. We had set this goal for ourselves so that more people can be updated on our current activities and events. So... If you like the blog and our posts. Like us on FB.
